A semi-special needs, Extreme-Right-Wing, Caucasian teenager with a perm that looks like a birds nest, hopped up on pre-workout. Some say that if spotted in the wild they become extremely aggressive and threaten to "beat your ass" when in reality all you need to take them down is a little bit of lead (pew pew)...
ps: they also exhibit similarities to the homosexual prowess and enjoys the company of other, likeminded men during times of sexual intercourse or pleasure.)
ps: they also exhibit similarities to the homosexual prowess and enjoys the company of other, likeminded men during times of sexual intercourse or pleasure.)
Did you hear about that 5ft 8, 142lb Verlue in Ohio. He hit 8 people with his exhaust modded car and was seen fleeing the scene while wearing a lifting belt. The police were able to locate him because he left behind a trail of wild berry flavored pre-workout.
The biggest whale in the ocean.
A: "Holy did you see that? Has to have been a bluewhale!"
B: "Nah dude, that was bigger, was a verlu!"
B: "Nah dude, that was bigger, was a verlu!"