

俚语 vesuvius


A shit, having the consistency of toothpaste, that contains enough mass so as it stacks upon itself it will create a pile of shit in the toilet bowl that breaches the water level in the bowl. The pile of crap in the toilet will resemble a volcano. (Vesuvius is a famous volcano in Italy.)
I don't know what I ate for lunch, but by two o'clock I had dropped a vesuvius in stall # 2


Large zit looks like it could erupt or explode any second. The near thought of being around one of these are scary.
Holy shit dude you got a Vesuvius on your face its gonna blow stay away!


a great eruption, typically fronm the penis, causing a flow of lava (cum)
im gonna explode like vesuvius baby


When a guy sets fire to his loved-one's pubic hair, just prior to ejaculation, then pulls out and extinguishes the flames with semen before they result in a 'scorched earth' type situation.

Good method of contraception, who really wants to remain inside with a burning bush pressed against their stomach?
Him: Hold on honey, i'll have that out in no time.


A sex move where one takes an enema, does a handstand, and squirts diarrhea all over the other person/room/goat/etc. (For those that dont know, Mt. Vesuvius was the volcano that covered Pompeii in ash, desroying the city.)
A-So you have a date with Bianca tonight?
B-Yeah, I'm gonna take her back to my place and give her a Mount Veuvius.


An adjective describing a person or thing that is explosive or has explosive tendencies. Useful in, but not limited to, describing sports stars, their skills, and their tempers.
When Reggie Bush gets the ball in his hands, he becomes absolutely vesuvius!

Oh my God! Marcus Thames hits another vesuvius home run!

John Rocker had one of the most vesuvius tempers in the last 10 years of Major League Baseball.


The Volcano Vaporizer aka "The Vessel"
Yo go get the vessel so we can erupt vesuvius right now hoe bagga!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:35:09