

俚语 viagravation


When you take Viagra before a date and the date never shows up, but you're stuck with a boner for 4 hours.
That lady caused me viagravation last night.


Frustration caused by the inability to get an erection after taking a dose of Viagra.
He's suffering from viagravation because he still can't get it up, even though he took a dose of Viagra.


The annoyance caused by an elderly man's sexual advances.
Ever since old man Chester got his prescription refilled, he's become a real Viagravation! I can't walk past him without getting pinched.


1. intentionally making it hard on someone; i.e., purposeful stiffening aggravation; may be gender specific towards males.
2. chemically induced aggravation (viagravation)
"He's the most viagravating dick I've ever seen."
"Dude— you are so viagravating."


A condition that occurs mainly among 40-50 something year old women who have had enough of their 50-60 something year old husbands prescription for Erectile Deficiency medication ...

This condition can apply to women of all ages and social positions, mistresses,strippers, secretaries, hookers/escorts ...
Stella: Wow Ethel your husband can hardly keep his hands off you since he got his "Instant-Boner Happy-time Medication" for E.D.

Ethel: Yeah and I am so over it, he may have the urges of a 22 year old soccer boy but they're locked up in the flabby 64 year old body of an outta shape accountant ... I am totally VIAGRAVATED !


The frustrated feeling women (and men) get from having sexual advances made on/toward them by men whom God and nature have decided are too old to be having sex but thanks to the wonders of modern medicine can continue to get their cadaverous components erect for decades.
Me and my friends were out clubbing and got pretty viagravated from guys our fathers' ages trying to get in our pants.


An emotional (usualy angry) response to one taking an extreme amount of viagra. causing redness in the face and usual holding down of the genitalia.
Me: yo bro whats wrong with you.

Bro: Karen came over last night.....lets just say im viagravated




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