

俚语 viaima's


Pronounced "vee-aim-ah"

If you ever become friends with a Viaima, you'll be very thankful that you met them. Usually Viaimas tend to be more reserved and shy especially when they're first getting to know people. But with a little time, they open right up and are bubbly and energetic. Viaima's tend to hide their feelings or pretend they don't exist in the hopes others won't notice and have to worry about them. They feel it's better to smile than the show what's really going on inside. Even though Viaimas are reserved, they are typically good at giving advice to others, even though they may not follow that advice themselves. If you're ever in a relationship with a Viaima, she might not be very good at communicating what she's really feeling given her reserved nature. Overall, Viaimas are intelligent and kind-hearted, though they won't hesitate to put in a good natuerd roast if given the chance.
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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:52:13