Vibuncular - the most rad, bodacious and hippest thing any person, place or thing can possibly be.
'Splendiferous' quakes at the very mention of such a word, such is its power.
It is known that any thing defined as 'vibuncular' will be automatically raised to the next level of earthly existence.
'Splendiferous' quakes at the very mention of such a word, such is its power.
It is known that any thing defined as 'vibuncular' will be automatically raised to the next level of earthly existence.
'woah, have you seen this video of a raccoon wrestling a defrosted sabre tooth tiger?'
'hell yeah man, that is the most vibuncular thing I've ever laid my unworthy human eyes upon'
*it should be noted that at this point the device upon which said vibuncular video is playing will likely burst into flames, unable to handle the vibuncousity it holds*
'hell yeah man, that is the most vibuncular thing I've ever laid my unworthy human eyes upon'
*it should be noted that at this point the device upon which said vibuncular video is playing will likely burst into flames, unable to handle the vibuncousity it holds*