

俚语 victim bragging

victim bragging

Bragging about/feeling superior due to one’s victim status/shitty situation, often times while exaggerating the extent of one’s victim-ness
“I only got six hours of sleep last night, I’m so tired”
“Omg you’re tired? I only got two hours last night and three the night before! Yet here I am anyway”
“Dude, quit victim bragging. We can both be tired”

Victim brag

To publicly celebrate, highlight, brag about how one (or one's group) was victimized by others.

The greater the harm to the victim, the more notable the brag. The more perpetrators who did the harm, the more notable the brag.
There's john victim bragging again about how his teachers in high school wronged him by giving him tests that were too hard!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:53:49