Video gaymer
Anyone who prioritizes video games over real life. One who will turn down sex for gaming and usually has more online gaming friends than real friends.
Bob is such a video gaymer he only leaves his house for lubricant and gaming accessories.
He is such a video gaymer, he still lives with his mom. Maybe if a game comes out that requires a sexual interface he will finally get lucky.
He is such a video gaymer, he still lives with his mom. Maybe if a game comes out that requires a sexual interface he will finally get lucky.
video gaymer
A video gamer that is gay. simple as that
Person 1: Let's go to Bob's house!
Person 2: But he's a video gaymer...
Person 1: So? I don't care. He has Halo 4!
Person 2: But he's a video gaymer...
Person 1: So? I don't care. He has Halo 4!