

俚语 black mans cock

black mans cock

a dick that is more then 12 inches that is found on black men
did you know a black mans cock hangs from the side of his legs that look like a giant tumor

black man's cock

The infamous black ma's cock. feared by the many, and treasured by the few, the black man's cock is the greatest urban legend to date. Its primary role of reproduction is often superseded by its secondary roles,most notable, its use an implement for rendering bank security guards unconscious by a swift blow to the head, when the filthy nignog + accomplices decide to rob the establishment. it's other uses include neck warming, tea stirring, and bearbaiting
Jesus. that steak was bigger than a black man's cock

go suck a big juicy black mans cock

a way of saying "go play dead cells its a good game"
hey bro, go suck a big juicy black mans cock
oh dont worry bro, I already have, its great




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