

俚语 viewbait


The opposite of clickbait. Clickbait are lying titles to get people to click an article or video while viewbait are truthful titles or thumbnails (YouTube) that are used to bring viewers in that actually go with the content. Viewbait is content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page by being truthful to what contains in the content as a whole.

Created by Devon from Among The Unknown
Clickbait (YouTube) Example: When someone has "DEAD BODY FOUND IN ABANDONED CHURCH" as the title, but the video doesn't feature any dead body at all, or has an mannequin (as an example) and the content creator pretends its a dead body and builds unnecessary excitement to the viewer.

Clickbait (YouTube) Example: When someone has "Abandoned Hospital: FOUND BLOOD ON THE WALLS" as the title, but the blood is actually just dried up paint...

Viewbait (YouTube) ((Weak)) Example: When the thumbnail and titles are actually truthful to the video.

"Abandoned Street - Furniture Still Left Behind" and the abandoned houses do still have furniture still left behind.


The Television version of Clickbait.
"This was total Viewbait"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:41:52