Viewers Like You
Why PBS has been able to produce quality television for so long.
'Slackjaw' was brought to you by Guillermo Entertainment and the support of viewers like you.
Viewers Like You
A group of people with supposedly bottomless pockets and hearts, who have nothing better to do than use their money to support and influence tv shows to do what they want more than what the general public (via ratings) wants.
Derived from, but not necessarily referring to, PBS.
Derived from, but not necessarily referring to, PBS.
"Why is this crap still on tv? Aren't the only people who watch this those crazy people who obsess over it and donate all their money to keep it on the air?"
"This Broadcast is Made Possible by Viewers Like You."
"This Broadcast is Made Possible by Viewers Like You."
Contributions from Viewers like You
Passive aggressive way PBS asks for donations.
PBS: and contributions from viewers like you. Thank You.
Viewers like you: better go contribute now, I guess.
Viewers like you: better go contribute now, I guess.