

俚语 vilija


A ridiculous sleep walking incident that involves running around, planking, and plunging toilets while asleep. More than likely performed by a northern European female.
"Did you see that girl sleepwalking last night? She covered herself in band-aids then danced around looking for Santa Claus. It was a total Vilija!"


A sexy girl with a big rack, usually an Eastern European. Girls named Vilija are slutty, funny who tend to be bratty 99% of the time but despite that they make good friends who have a heart bigger than their ass.
Look at that girl she’s such a Vilija


The most beautiful girl you have ever met. She loves giving (and having) attention. She is also smart, funny, fun,sweet and incredibly reliable. Vilija's are a treasure. They actual meaning is: river, water, flow. Vilija's can tell when someone is feeling low or down.
Guy1: "man, look at Vilija!"

Guy2: "dude, if I got a chance, I would steal her off her bf."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:55:42