

俚语 black n' decker pecker wrecker

black n' decker pecker wrecker

when someone with braces sucks your penis and rips it to shreds
damn that girl gave me a bndpw

black n' decker pecker wrecker

when a black hoe sucks yo dick and makes it all bloody and fleshy
damn that black n' decker pecker wrecker put me in the hospital

black-n-decker pecker wrecker

braces in the female mouth....if used during felatio, will shred the man's penis
"dude, your sister is a black-n-decker pecker wrecker"

Black n decker pecker wrecker

This girl thats sits beside me in classss, aka any girl with braces, the destroy of all man kind. She rips penis to pieces with her braces.
a girl beside me in class is the black n decker pecker wrecker

black n decker pecker wrecker

To describe a black female with braces who might just saw your member off while sucking your dick.
Oh man!, Shaniqua is for real a black n decker pecker wrecker. Shit! I was bout to go get disability. That ho damn near bit my dick off last night. She ain't putting my dick in her mouth again.

Black N Decker Pecker Wrecker

A ghetto ass black girl with braces or "train tracks"
Ayo Quan you seen that video on my flip phone? It's called Black N Decker Pecker Wrecker. It's got yo sistah Tysheeba in it




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:56:22