

俚语 aarthie


Aarthi: Noun; A creature hailing from the depths of heaven and hell, to beautiful to ever touch, to Awesome to ever offend, to lovely to ever hurt, to cute to ever hate. Aarthi the most magnificent creature known to man
Micheal saw an Aarthi the other day, he's been in a coma ever since.


An interesting girl you is mostly kind and likes to make friends with everyone
That girl is an aarthy


a person who enjoys thinking up insults to embarrass their friends. awesomely popular but very short. the coolest person you'll ever meet. too smart to handle. usually with very beautiful dark hair that she wont admit is not frizzy. stubborn. very. has the most squeaky voice you'll ever hear, and, on occasion is known to break windows of houses in northern china. sometimes called aardvark because of the double a.
Person 1: i just met this girl names aarthi and she is hands down the most awesome and cool person i ever met.
Person 2: woah thats an odd name it reminds me of an aardvark. too bad that is not her nickname.
Person 1: we shall call her that.


The best ever cow breed..everyone can help her as she is for food... bedbug friend...conscious about the common welfare she saves water without taking 🛀.....the one who isn’t out spoken ...
Aarthi alais kangayam kaalai🐄💩


A super independent girl, who is seriously in love and suuuuuupppppeeeeerrrrrrr obsessed with the boy band Why Don't

We. She is beautiful and does not care about what people say about her.Her biggest dream is to be a famous singer like the why don't we boys
person: hey do you know who Aarthy is?
Another person: Hell yeah! She is such an amazing singer and I cant believe she seriosly is obsessed with Why don't we.
person: OMG I love alllll her songs!!!!! She is a true inspiration!

Dirty aarthi

A psychopath who likes stalking people’s snap scores
She is being a dirty aarthi


Aarthi, often a beautiful, bold and independent girl. Wise decision taker. Practical. Singer. Born to rule. Adamant.
I fell in love with Aarthi




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:30:50