

俚语 vladimir putin

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is a asshole, help Ukraine!
Shirley: Hey have you seen that Vladimir Putin dude?
Tim: Oh, yeah id support trump over that bitch...

Vladimir Putin

A Limp Dicked asshole bent on the destruction of neighboring Countries, and if anyone disagrees with him he says "It's for Denazifying"
Fuck Vladimir Putin, that Fascist Prick.

Vladimir Putin

A bitch. he started a war or sum idk
news ppl: ppl in ukraine are dying n stuff

me: it was Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin

AFucking menace to society
" Wow Vladimir Putin just blew up a bunch of children what a fucking menace!"

Vladimir Putin

Some thirsty ass mofo who wants world domination
Vladimir Putin: We've seized Crimea and now we've got Ukraine in our hands, nothing can stop me now from world domination, MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Secretary: Uh- Mr. Putin
Vladimir Putin: WHAT, WHAT??? Can't you see I'm having my evil moment??
Secretary: Yes Mr. Putin, but to your dismay, Ukraine is winning the war.
Vladimir Putin: I-

Vladimir Putin

A dictator that Donald Trump admires; the only person off-limits to Trump's attacks.
Q: What is 12 inches long and hangs between Vladimir Putin's legs?
A: Donald Trump's tie

Vladimir Putin

Some mobster that somehow made his way to presidency and Russia, and enjoys posing shirtless while on horses. He also enjoys the following: Nukes, guns, soldiers, threats, racism, and Russia.
Some person: I've got an impossible task for you.
Some other person: Yes?
Some person: Go through all of the pictures of Vladimir Putin without barfing, dying of boredom, and/or losing your mind.
Some other person: O_O




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:48:15