

俚语 vocabularization


The proper use of vocabulary.
Bliss's blog post is both grammatically and vocabularically correct.


(v.) To create, coin, or utilize a previously undefined word; to combine portions of one or more words, prefixes, and/or suffixes to produce a new word.

The pop-culture term sniglet refers to the new word itself, while the act of devising new sniglets is vocabularization. Although similar, it should be noted that acronyms and shorthand abbreviations remain distinct practices outside the scope of vocabularization.
"Does anyone know who first vocabularized 'emoticon' (textual/graphical smiley-faces)?"


A word used to purposefully end or redirect a conversation or train of thought. It is usually deployed in uncomfortable situations against someone who is known to have a more limited vocabulary.
Joey dropped a vocabularity on his high school drop out mom. He made her think his sister was having a crisis of sexuality by telling her she wanted to be a thespian.

Vocabularically Inclined

To be at a higher knowledge of vocabulary the peers and other acquaintances around you.
John is vocabularically inclined.

Vocabularable Punch

like a punch but with words.
insulting is like a fist fight if you punch me i'll punch you back as hard as i decided, so if you insult me there is no limit to how far i can go to insult you back.

"the bitch fire a shot at me so i hit that hoe with a vocabularable punch, then she cried"

vocabularical bitch slap

When someone uses a needlessly complicated or esoteric word when a simpler word or expression would suffice.
A common occurence amongst neophyte academics who wish to impress peers.
Why did you say "lacuna" to just say that he had a "break" or "opening" in his schedule? That was a needless vocabularical bitch slap.


When your sister tries to make up a word and tells you it’s in the dictionary.
Vocabularization, look it up, it’s a word.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:27:35