

俚语 voltron season 7

Voltron Season 7

The season that killed the fandom.
"Have you seen Amy yet?"
"Oh, you haven't heard? She watched Voltron Season 7."
"OH! That explains her disappearance."

Voltron Season 7

that one season which killed all of the voltron fans.Rest in yeet??
*after watching Voltron Season 7* hey guys,that was g- oh.OH.OH MY GOSH-

Voltron season 7

The season that literally pushed a fandom to completely say fuck you to the cannon and make an entire god damn “fannon” reboot withe everything the show wasn’t.
I literally did not think that a show could push its fans to collectively say fuck it I’ll do it myself but Voltron season 7 somehow managed




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:53:06