

俚语 vulturing


The act of one friend using pre-existing, platonic rapport with another friend's ex or otherwise closely connected individual in an attempt to get play and/or sex without having to meet and deal with new people on their own.

Often a trait of sexually inexperienced peoples who prefer that their friends do the work of courting a girl/guy while the "vulturer" lays back and wait for the relationship to fail so that they may move in under the guise of "friendship".

Ironically, "vulturing" nearly always fails in its employment as the concept of one friend taking advantage of another friend's failure is a sign of insecurity and romantic incompetence on the part of the "vulturer". This, obviously, is universally acknowledged as unattractive from the perspective of any potential mate.

This definition also applies to friend-with-benefits and to a lesser extent, siblings.
A - "Tom and Mary just broke up and already Jay is following around Mary!"
B - "Does Tom know that Jay is "vulturing" Mary?"
A - "Nah, but Tom would deny it anyway and say that they are just "friends"."
B - "If by friends, you mean fuck-buddies, then yes that is accurate."

Vulturing: The act of staying in the shadows, awaiting the romantic failure of an acquaintance so as to exploit the leftovers.


When you are eating people are hovering around you waiting for you to finish eating so they can eat the rest of your food. They are vulturing.
A: Hey! What are you doing?
B: Uh... Nothing. Are you going to eat that cookie?
A: Stop vulturing.


Art of doing nothing, and waiting for the correct moment to ask your friends for their work/homework/tests answers or whatever they've been working for a long time, with a lot of effort.

For being a good engineer you'll have to dominate this art. When you master this art, you could be called "Sir vulture".
Vulturing example:

- Stop seeking me! leave me alone f*cking vulture!
- Do you have the exam solved?
- I'm going to tell the teacher! HELP!
- Pleaaaase...


A Man is sait to "vulture" when he sweeps in and takes away a female who has been rejected by one of his peers. The analogy comes from the Vulture, a species of bird known best for its consumption of meat from dead carcasses. In This case, the "Vulture" comes in and finishes off (pulls) the rejected carcass (female)
A fat bird comes on to you, you say "piss off you fat minger" then five minutes later, your mate comes in and gets off with her, hence, vulture


When a man relentlessly circles its woman to fuck (as a Vulture would circle its dead prey)and pitifully will not give up until she gives in... Vulturing is usually but not limited to groping, attacking, circling, gifts, and even exposing themselves.
Oh my God! Eric will not stop vulturing me!! I may have to put out so he will stop.


A person, business, corporation or political body who/whichpreys on the misfortune of others. These people/businesses/political parties often present themselves as charismatic, and commence engineering involvement with people, businesses, communities or nations at the early signs of their downfall.
The most obvious examples are:

* In laws (spouses or children) who suddenly become interested in there extended families affairs when it looks like death and inheritance is looming.
"They're inheritance vultures".
* Relatively desperate men or women who act as a support when they notice a relationship is on the rocks. They tend to offer biased support with hope of gaining a partner, mostly due to their lack of character, beauty or charm.
"He's a vulture, after his mates girlfriend cause he can't find his own".
* Loan sharks of all descriptions, but especially those who hang around Casinos with semi-Legitimate legal deeds/documents for extremely undervalued loans of cash for or houses, cars, jewelery etc...
"If you go to the casino, avoid the vultures in the car park, they'll take you for everything you own".
* Scammers,spammers and con-artists targeting middle class to poorer individuals. Combined internet/mobile messaging ones are the most recent mutation of these mutants.
"Social networking individuals fall victim to vulture scammers/spammers in hope of meeting someone (special?)"
* Unethical businesses/business people/government bodies who watch and often encourage the collapse of businesses for personal benefit.
"That corporation is being a vulture, they are fraudulently or unethically undermining their competitors business efforts pure greed, not survival"
* Corporations/Political bodies/ Governments who exploit developing nations poverty and misery.
"It is apparent that 'x' country has used supposed political concern and intervention in 'y' countries internal affairs in order to gain control for purposes of power, economic greed and domination".


a woman that takes a man's assets from work during and after a divorce.
Heather Mills McCartney was a vultureness during her prolonged divorce from Paul McCartney.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:24:03