VY2, known to some fans by his codename "Yuma", is a vocal synth (vocaloid) developed by the company Yamaha in Japan. He is a masculine vocal with V2, V3, and V5 voicebanks. He is officially depicted in his boxart as a wakizashi sword, but is popularly associated with an unofficial humanoid design named "Roro" by Manbou no Ane.
On the official Vocaloid website, his product is described as such: "This male Japanese voicebank features the energetic and inviting vocals of a sexy man."
Notable songs include "とても痛い痛がりたい" by EZFG, and "粘着系男子の15年ネチネチ" by ManbouP.
On the official Vocaloid website, his product is described as such: "This male Japanese voicebank features the energetic and inviting vocals of a sexy man."
Notable songs include "とても痛い痛がりたい" by EZFG, and "粘着系男子の15年ネチネチ" by ManbouP.
Normie: "What are the english lyrics to the VY2 song by EZFG とても痛い痛がりたい , again?"
Seasoned VY2 Lover: "It goes like this: 0w0 Yes, I was da one who did it. Yes, I've wounded mysewf. It goes away natuwawwy when I weave it be, but this pain just keeps coming back. When I cwose my eyes, aww I knuw awe da things I can't see. It's unweasonabwe to da extweme. Someone must knuw my angwish... :3
Normie: "Ohh, right, thanks!"
Seasoned VY2 Lover: "It goes like this: 0w0 Yes, I was da one who did it. Yes, I've wounded mysewf. It goes away natuwawwy when I weave it be, but this pain just keeps coming back. When I cwose my eyes, aww I knuw awe da things I can't see. It's unweasonabwe to da extweme. Someone must knuw my angwish... :3
Normie: "Ohh, right, thanks!"