

俚语 w00ter


this word is mostly a combination between the words w00t and hooters. Also commonly used in on-line gaming, namely Counter Strike. Jesus used this phrase at least twice.
w00ters!! Did you see the boobies on that chick?!


A variation on the internet jargon, "w00t," and the restaurant Hooters. Generally used to describe excessive excitement that appeals to one's personal taste (be it a favorite movie coming to theaters soon, seeing your presidential candidate win, or a sexy article of clothing).
"I just bought this hot new dress, and I'm going to see Obama inaugurated!"



w00t, or woot, but then cooler.
person1: I passed my exams!
person2: w00ter! I'm so happy for you!

w00t w00ters

A variation on w00t, particularly when the w00ting is very intense and you are WINNARing in everything.
<@thunder`mayhem> "OMG W00T W00TERS!!!"




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