

俚语 waddlers


A person whose obesity makes walking with a normal stride impossible, so that the person must wobble from side to side like a duck to go forward.
Did you see that waddler on the Maury Povich show this morning?


a person that is generly a wigger and who is generly hot. They seem to have the need to mess up there walk by only picking up one leg and swinging it to a side then doing the same for the other side.
"Did ya see the waddler, wouldn't ya like to get with that"

"They said that they will be here in 20 mintues, but it depends on how fast they waddle here."


Waddler is a small youtuber who makes videos on build a boat for treasure
Waddler is a roblox youtuber


(n.) One who persues a dominating and/or pseudo-helpless female
He was a waddler to her for so long.

Twat Waddler

Any stupid and/or annoying male or female, who pulls in front of your car like you don't need sixteen to eighteen feet to stop without crashing into them, or anyone who gets on your nerves and it seems like if you shouted this term at them you would feel better about the whole confrontation.
Them: "you stupid son of a bitch, what were you thinking"
You: "I was thinking you are a Twat Waddler"

Floppy Waddler

a floppy or upset chode, recieving no action, normally defined as a waddler, or a floppy fish.
hey Aaron i like you're "floppy waddler" it isn't getting any action

Dick Waddler

Somebody who pulls their pants all the way down to use the urinal. Can also be used as an insult
Gross! That guy is dick waddling!

Man, James is such an idiot, what a dick waddler




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:33:24