

俚语 waffle bitch

Waffle Bitch

A cute girl you wouldn't mind sleeping with, but only if she made you waffles in the morning.
Friend: Dude that chick over there is a total waffle bitch!
You: Eh, she would have to make more than waffles for me to fuck her.

Bitch waffle

1: a person who is both a bitch and a waffle, an insult primarily used by people who know very little sign language and take pride in the fact that the person they are insulting does not know what the hell they are doing.
2: someone who lacks brain cells, was most likely dropped as a child, and can to some degree be a dumb ass.
Scenario 1:
Person 1: your outfit is so ugly

Person 2: Well at least i'm not a *signs bitch waffle*
Person 1 is left anxious and confused.
Scenario 2:
Barbara: Tim is so annoying, I hate how I have to keep cleaning up after his mistakes
Barbara's sole friend and confidanr: Yeah he sounds like a bitch waffle

eggo waffle looking bitch

An eggo waffle looking bitch is a term used by white middle schoolers who are cussing out their beautiful young substitute teacher. The origin of the word is unknown but most likely pulled out of this young lad's ass.
That substitute teacher man, she's an eggo waffle looking bitch.




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