

俚语 waggle


(N) a group of penises (generally considered to be 3 or more). Analogous to a flock of sheep or a murder of crows.
1. John was shocked as he opened the Playgirl and was confronted by not one or two, but an entire waggle of penises in the centerfold.
2. "Hey Hooch, check out that waggle of penises over on the nude beach!"
3. The graffiti in on the bathroom stall door was thoroughly graphic, containing seven crudely drawn boobs and an entire waggle of peni.


Anywhere two or more wieners (dogs) are gathered
The other day at the beach, my friends and I saw a waggle.


The process in which you wiggle your arm while waving your hand because you are too intoxicated to know the difference between the two.

Also can be referred to as "Wagglin'"
I was so high, all I could do was Waggle at the guy across the room.


The act of shaking or swinging a video game controller to cause an action to occur on screen in the game.
"To swing Link's sword, you have to waggle the Wii Remote."


Major indegestion and diarrhea after consuming shitty university dining hall food.
Tonight after dinner, I will go to the laundry and spew waggles into the dryers.


The art of waggling involves the pendulum-like movements of a man's privates swaying between his thighs. For proper waggling, the scrotum must be proceeded in the act by the male member, the penis. As the scrotum follows the penis in this uniform motion, the scrotum must slap against the man's gooch and lower abdomen in a military cadence (using a 4 beat bar works best). As the tempo quickens, it is completely appropriate for the male to make grunting noises and possibly loud exclamations of "oh yes baby" or "get some, get some."
John loves waggling in fronts of large groups of people as part of his streaking expose.


The act of shaking your rear end in a festive manner, while pumping your arms like your running.
"Look at Thomas dance, he sure can waggle"
"Fuck the macarena, let's fucking waggle"




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