

俚语 walking the fish

Walking the Fish

When your smoking the gonjah, but you can't let people know your smoking because of TWITCH ToS
Them - What are you doing with your WebCam off?
Me- I'm just walking the fish bro.

Walk my fish

Telling someone that you are going to walk your fish is a nice way of saying you don't want to do something.
"Do you want to hang out?"

"Sorry, can't I need to walk my fish."

walk my fish

The term “Walk my fish” or as used in many occasions “I’m gonna walk my fish” means that the person you are talking to really doesn’t give a fuck about what you’re saying and just wants
Annoying person: H3Y wSp mAn! WAnnA hAng oUt dis w33kNd?
You: Uhh. No can do mane... I gtg.. Walk my fish. See ya dood!

walking my fish

Larnie Carr, the founder and developer over the term "Walking my fish".

This term is most commonly used to subliminalize the explicity of female masturbation. This term is most commonly used as a joke by males.
Larnie Carr: hold dafuq up. there is a emo porn site...gurl im gonna have to get back to ya later I gotta like walk my fish or something.

Larnie Carr: back from walking my fish.

Side Walk Jelly Fish

When your walking down the street with your friends and you see a used condom on the ground.
Holy shit! a Side Walk Jelly Fish!!!! dont step on it you don't want to kill the urban animals bro!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:21:26