

俚语 wanabe's


Wanabe is a rare wannabe
Wanabe appears to lerk the BYOND forums in his quest for pootang.


Wanabe is those people who wants to be popular but aren't. They tend to stick with the popular people.
Dude 1: Do you know Rhea?
Dude 2: Yah! she is such a b*tch! She act like a wanabe and always hang out with the populer people. F*ck her!
Dude 1: ok......, calm your t*ts

Obi Wanabe

noun; Oh-bee Whan-ah-bee

A person who thinks they're full of wisdom and sage advice like an ancient Jedi master, but are in fact, full of shit.
Old fool: Now listen here, youngster...
Me: Dude, you're such an Obi Wanabe. Older doesn't always mean wiser.

Wanabe Drunks

a group of people with great power
woman: is this area safe?
man: no, it's owned by the Wanabe Drunks! RUN!
woman: no, i want to sexualize them.
man: Karen, no!
woman: sorry, but no woman can resist a Wanabe.

Thug Wanabe

A person who is typically white or suburban, who tries to be street/black/mexican by listening to hip/hop, getting a tattoo, acting tough, and avoiding responsibility well into their 30's. They spend their lives acting 'bad' and trying to scare regular citizens but never really cross the line into serving longterm prison terms which is what 'bad' people end up doing. Confirms the idea that how 'bad'someone is depends on who you compare them to, most people have a line they won't cross.
Dave: Stalin was a real Thug.
John: So was Saddam Hussein.
Dave: Jesse James is a Thug Wanabe.
John: Eminem is the biggest Thug Wanabe.

homeless wanabe mom

A homeless woman who begs to every man she sees for unprotected sex because she want's to be a mom, even though she is homeless
Person 1: I am going to take another route to walk to work from now on. May take 5 minutes more.

Person 2: Why?

Person 1: Because there is this annoying homeless wanabe mom, along my walk to work who embarrasses me everytime she asks me for sex out of the blue.

Person 2: Ok, no problem. Just wake 5 minutes more early.

Wanab blackman

he acts black in front of all hese pals.
sort of the same as a wigga but this one larfs for no reason constontly, or at minor reasons.
what a wanab blackman sam was today in maths.




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