

俚语 wank man

Wank Man

Man who likes to wank more than anything else, even more than shopping for cheese
Wank Man:-I think ill have a wank, the cheese can wait!

Man wank

The act of jerking off but not wiping up after.
Guy 1: Dude, your room stinks.

Guy 2: Yeh, I had a man wank cos my brother walked in before I had a chance to clean up.

Blind man's wank

When you sit on your hand for an extended period of time then proceed to masturbate. Your hand will have gone numb so it feels like someone else is doing it for you.
"Me and Dave combined the Blind man's wank with a Dutch Rudder last night"

"Really? I've got to try that! Sounds like a rush!"

posh man's wank

Where a man wears a condom whilst masturbating, as opposed to catching the spunk in a tissue/ something similar. The word 'posh' is used to denote the expense of buying a pack of condoms for such a menial reason (to make the wank more pleasurable).
"I've still got some jonnies left over, I know, I'll have a posh man's wank."

Rich Mans Wank

To jerk off into a condom.
Generally for people that have a lot of money.
Woah, hes rich.. obviously does the Rich Mans Wank

blind mans wank

Sex game, based on accuracy. The man covers his eyes using his hand or blindfold and attempt to jack off into the mouth of the woman.
3pts are gain for a throat shot, 2pts for a lip shot and 1pt for a face shot.

Warning: Can cause blindness!
Katie, grab the blindfold, i wanna have a blind mans wank

Spider man wank

When ones wearing pair of dirty knickers on his face as a mask while wanking
Look at Andy having a spider man wank daddy




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:11:15