want sum fuk
The wise words of a legendary bird
"Want sum fuk"
"No Ron"
"No Ron"
U want sum fuk?
Popular new phrase originally from viral YouTube video 'Becky lemme smash' used to ask permission from a person to perform sexual intercourse with them.
Ey Becky chu want sum fuk?
you want sum fuk
Just go watch the conversation between the two birds on youtube "becky lemme smash" cause ben is a ho
Guy 1. Aye, you want sum fuk
Girl 1. Eeww no thanks, i have a boyfriend
Girl 1. Eeww no thanks, i have a boyfriend
ay bby want sum fuk?
1. Urban meme about a magpie wanting sexual intercourse with his partner
2. Human (mostly male) asking for sex with someone
2. Human (mostly male) asking for sex with someone
guy: ay bby want sum fuk?
someone: dafuq?
someone: dafuq?