

俚语 wanye's


A Generally good looking dude with hella clout and is a loyal friend if you give him food
Wanye (Wan Yay)


A real ass nigga.
:What’s that boy name-
:That’s Wanye’-
:Oh he mad cute-


wayne is A generally shit name.

Mostly used to described wasters, chavs, cheaters and drug users.

can also be used with 'ker' at the end

These types of people usually have morbidly obese repulsive girlfriends and the pair mate, producing ugly babies.
Girl one : Eww did you see that wayne ?! He's so discusting.

Girl two : I know! i saw him doing coke at that party last weekend.

Girl one : omg really? what a ming, his girlfriends a right munter!

Girl two: yeah he's such a wayne.

Wanye is a chav.

Dirty Lil Wanye

It is when you shove your dick deep up someone's nose and cum. Since your dick is in so deep, when you cum, it comes out her eyes in the form of tears. It's called the Dirty Lil Wanye because it will look like Little Wanye's tear drop tatoo around his eye.
Guy- Can I Dirty Lil Wanye you?

Chick- Hell no!

Guy- Come on, you will look just like Lil Wanye.

Chick- Damn, really? Ok.




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