

俚语 wardog

War Dogs

A derogatory term sometimes used to describe non-military individuals who make money off the periphery of war. Often used to describe civilian contractors, private arms dealers, black marketeers and/or shoddy journalists.
"There are soldiers who risk their lives everyday to keep our country safe and then there are War Dogs-- individuals who bottom feed off the business of war for the sole reason of making a profit."

War Dog

A political and/or military person who's immorally eager to encourage a people or nation to go to war.

plural form

War Dogs
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are total War Dogs.

War Dog

One who thrives off of chaos
Man that guys a fucking War dog when it comes to business

War Dog.

War Dog., the best war hero out there. When War Dog and Whistleduck were puppies, they were best friends. After being 1 year old dogs they decided to become generals, and went to search for a clan. They found the clan, “The package,” and joined it, where they would meet Lothorlitnghamr. Upon joining the clan, war performance would be better, thanks to War Dog. War Dog was truly the gem of the clan. He always would get first place in clan war, he would always be leading the clan war boat, and he would always have the highest donations. After the clan got down to 40 members, that’s when Shhhmoke began his corruption, killing the clan even faster. War Dog saw this, and he couldn’t let Shhhmoke destroy the clan, so he started the ASC (anti Shhhmoke club) where he had a petition to get rid of Shhhmoke. Everyone was too scared to sign up, so he disbanded the ASC and would argue with Shhhmoke on his absence in war, and his decisions. He would get all sorts of crazy answers from Shhhmoke, but there was nothing he could do about Shhhmoke, Lothor was already brainwashed. He watched as more and more people left. He knew the clan was doomed to fail, and the final straw was when his friend Whistleduck was kicked. War Dog left the clan and started his own. His clan would be insanely successful and he would go on to be the most powerful general and war hero ever.
Today I joined War Dog.’s clan. He was truly a war hero.

war dog

An extremely unattractive chick
Man, Paul got hammered yesterday and woke up next to this war dog.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:07:07