WarOwl's Third Law of Counterstrike
The third law in a series known as WarOwl's Laws of Counterstrike published in a book by counterstrike theorist WarOwl which states that "if there is a custom map editor, there is a dust 2" referring to the counterstrike map de_dust 2.
Chad 1: "Hey, you want to play some Fortnite? "
Chad 2: "What the fuck? Hell no, who do you think I am? "
Chad 1: "No you see, WarOwl's Third Law of Counterstrike states that there is always a dust 2, so I just wanted to play dust 2 in Fortnite"
Chad 2: "What the fuck? Hell no, who do you think I am? "
Chad 1: "No you see, WarOwl's Third Law of Counterstrike states that there is always a dust 2, so I just wanted to play dust 2 in Fortnite"
Warowl's Third Law of Counter Strike
Warowl's Third Law Of Counter Strike states that games which have a map maker/editor feature , will always have a Dust 2 summoned from the void
Dude 1 : Yo dude , "random game" has added a map maker feature and i found dust 2 on it yesterday
Dude 2: Warowl's Third Law of Counter Strike strikes yet again
Dude 2: Warowl's Third Law of Counter Strike strikes yet again
Warowl’s first law of counter strike
The better somebody is at Counter-Strike, the more of an asshole they are.
Person 1: Damn man, I played with the cockiest cs player but he was really good.
Person 2: I see you have stumbled upon the Warowl’s first law of Counter strike.
Person 2: I see you have stumbled upon the Warowl’s first law of Counter strike.
WarOwl's Second Law of Counter Strike
WarOwl's Second Law of Counter Strike states that any sufficiently advanced skill is indistinguishable from a cheat.
Guy 2: Welcome to WarOwl's Second Law of Counter Strike.
Guy 2: Welcome to WarOwl's Second Law of Counter Strike.
Warowl's Fourth Law of Counter Strike
Warowls Fourth law of Counter Strikes states that Negev is always the meta of the Counter Strike franchise.
Person 1: Dude the CTs are just spraying through B tunnel with a smoke
Person 2: Darn it Warowl's Fourth Law of Counter Strike yet has strikes it again
Person 2: Darn it Warowl's Fourth Law of Counter Strike yet has strikes it again
Justin Timberlake
Is that Warowl?
No that’s Justin Timberlake
No that’s Justin Timberlake