A white female, often with liberal-progressive views, promiscuous and supportive of massive immigration, that engages in sexual relationships (battles) with males of another race (usually African or Middle Eastern) and is proud of it. These women are slutty, hypergamous and fail to see how their actions damage society as a whole, blaming men instead. A fraction of warrios retire and sneak into conservative and nationalist circles to try and fool men to "settle down".
Look at Jane with that black guy, she's such a warrio of europa.
Our warrios will be the doom of our country.
Behind a traditionalist women, there's always a warrio hiding xoxo
Go to a club and you'll see proud warrios being impaled by the foreigners.
Our warrios will be the doom of our country.
Behind a traditionalist women, there's always a warrio hiding xoxo
Go to a club and you'll see proud warrios being impaled by the foreigners.
To remain in the battle that is owed by a debt to another for harm caused by itself.
He new warrio was necessary to bring peace to her heart.
Edgelord garble used by beta-males use when they're butthurt some woman who they thought they were entitled to (via identity politics or otherwise) wouldn't give them the time of day.
Neckbeard: I have no redeeming personality traits, but that girl is a warrio for brusing my Betamale ego.