

俚语 wasi


An Arabic name, it is one of the 99 names of Allah meaning the Omnipresent
My name is Wasi!


To Slap Someones Forehead With Great Force.
Aw Shit Stan Just Gave Me The Worst Wasi Ever.....


That cartain part of the female body. ;)
Usually associated with boos.
Jack: Magan let me see your wasi!
Megan: Will you pay for my lunch.
Jack: If you play with my boos.
Megan: DEAL!!


House or home in Quechua, the Inca language
Every second hostel in Peru and Bolivia is called Wasi lol


Wasi is a mans names he who has this name is a king not just any king but the king of kings himself he is also known as the destroyer of destroyers as he is a ferocious character but very kind to the people who deserve kindness and harsh to people who are fake if you ever see a Wasi address him as Lord Wasi the king of kings destroyer of destroyers
Wasi is a name


Wasy means way easy which could be used as an abbreviation during a text message
Damn that test was wasy


a combination of the words, way and easy, to define the level of difficulty of a task as extremely simple
That girl Amy Lawson makes life seem wasy.




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