

俚语 waste of sperm

waste of sperm

Is a person unworthy of life. Sperm is one of the most abundant materials in this world. There is so much through out the world that to be called a waste of sperm is an insult since so much is wasted daily into tissues. Something, anything, someone could have been a better baby or a person compared to the person in question.
"The Blair witch project is the most creative movie ever made"
Shut up julie you waste of sperm.

waste of sperm

A term used as a negative connotation for a baby.
What an ugly waste of sperm.

waste of sperm

Someone so stupid, useless to the world and to people that they are better off being hand jobs or sperm.

These people usually wreck innocent peoples lives, causing them severe drama, annoyance,

do nothing good except want stupid things like, designer clothes, tattoos,
My brother is a waste of sperm, all he does is get in my business and live off my parents.

Waste of sperm

Hey look at that waste of sperm reading this

wasted a sperm cell

wasted sperm cell is an insult you can use on somebody to say that they are a worthless piece of s*it. but keep in mind this insult is so bad it got me suspended from school for 3 days
example: youre dad wasted a sperm cell

walking waste of sperm

The ultimate insult. Reserved for only the most hateful, stupid, obnoxious or contemptible people known.
That islamic suicide bomber killed several innocent people. What a walking waste of sperm he was.

Semen Skinned Waste Of Sperm

A white person who's so trash that he/she shouldn't have even been born. Similar to the term "Caucasishit".
"His racist ass called me the n word over social media, but he would never call me that in person because I will knock the hell out of that Semen Skinned Waste Of Sperm."




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