

俚语 watchful


Watchful means exactly that, watching someone like a hawk.
I'm being watchful about this one. Nuff said.

watch this

Something said right before a person does something amazingly stupid.
Hey Peter, watch this!
*jumps off the roof with an umbrella and breaks both legs*


The process of becoming a watch
If you watched these notebooks, they'd become a watch.

Watch This

Famous last words.
Person 1: Hey watch this!
Person 2: *looks at person 1*
Person 1: *attempts to do a backflip and falls off of a building*


Something u wear on ur arm that tells u the time.
Person 1:What time is it
Person 2: Let me check my watch

watch it be

Phrase, generally used in a sarcastic tone, used to exaggerate something's distance, location or someone's profession. It is often accompanied by the term "like". Less popularly, it may be used in several other contexts which are deemed appropriate at the time.
Ex. 1 - Elisa: I wonder where they keep their jewelry...
Angela: Watch it be, like, on the top shelf where no one can reach or see it.

Ex. 2 - Jim: What's she do for a living?
Frank: Not sure. I'll ask her... Watch it be professional wrestling.


A period of time aboard vessels in which a person must stand as a lookout, or be in command of the ship, usually in 4-hour shifts.
I am on watch from 8am - 12pm, and from 8pm - 12am.




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