

俚语 waterlog

water log

When a male holds their pee so long they get a boner.
Yesterday Josh got a water log at the concert because he didn't want to miss the next song.

Water Logging

When you drink to much water, or liquid to fast and you throw it right back up.
Look at Jim, hes water logging himself, he drank way to much to fast and now is over the side of the boat puking

water logging

The act of turning on the sink of bathtub so no one can hear you take a shit. Whether it be in the next room because of paper thin walls or the neighbors in the apartment next to yours.
Taylor: Why did you turn the water on when you went into the bathroom? I know you didn't wash your hands for twenty minutes.

Phil: I was ummm washing my hair.

mark: Admit it you were water logging!

Phil: Alright I drank a lot last night you happy?

Water Log

1)Fecal matter that is mostly made up of water.
OMG look. It's a very rare site indeed. A mix breed of an army pile and a water log.

Water Logged

Water logged: sex act, submerge meat in water for 4 hours then when you and your mate are ready for intercourse you pull your meat out of water and slap your mate across the face to start the games.
Hey wanna see a water log, mate replies yes you come out of bathroom and sale her unexpectedly with your meat and yell water logged!

water my log

A term for having sex or getting a blow job used around Troy, Tennessee near Interstate 69.
Yo girl, will you water my log? I’m horny as hell.




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