

俚语 water sausage

Water sausage

A big fat wriggly otter
Oh look at that huge water sausage! It's so slippery and wet!

Water sausage

A wetland flowering plant with brown, oblong seedpods. Known less commonly as "typha."
Oh! It is a "water sausage."

Water sausage

Any person. Comes from the fact that we are nothing but meat and water encased in skin, much like a hot dog or sausage
Guy 1: hey, what's up water sausage?

Guy 2: Not much, you?

Water sausage

Basically a water sausage is a hot dog
“Seriously you would at least try to fool me with a hot dog first, which is just a water sausage in a bun”

Water Sausage

It is a water balloon that uses a condom instead of an actual balloon.
Y'all seen that mufucka smackin people with his water sausage?

Water Sausage

Its bog weed but make it childish and fun
"OMG Sean look its a bog weed!"
"Sorry its a what?"
"Water sausage"
"No thats a bog weed you Dozy Sod"

Sausage water

Sausage Water is when you take a cooked or un-cooked sausage and place it in cold water, leaving it for an hour or so. After about an hour the water turns a pastel fogged shade of orange that is the pigment of a sausage. This quite frankly tastes disgusting and is usually used for memes.
Person 1: Hey bro I'm gonna stick a sausage in water and make some sausage water
Person 2: Why? It tastes horrible and it's disgusting!
Person 1: For the memes man I just wanna see it in action
Person 2: Why were you ever my friend.




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