

俚语 weak in pussy

weak in pussy

Used to describe a girl who can't get laid.; Used to describe a girl who won't have sex.; Used to describe a girl isn't good in bed.
"Nah man, you don't want none of that bitch. She's weak in pussy."

Weak Ass Pussy Syndrome

1. Someone that acts like a pussy all the time.

2. Someone whoms pussy isn't quite enjoyable.
1. person A: Let's go to the mall.
person B: No it's raining outside.
person A: Boy, do you have weak ass pussy syndrome or something!

weak pussy

Her pussy or vagina dosen't make you nut or cum as fast as you want
Man, I spent a check on that weak pussy and didn't event nut!

weak minded beta male pussy

Elijah Jinx. Caleb Butler. Someone who has little brain power to form simple thought's has nothing between their legs. Too weak to bench 135 someone who sucks more dick than their own mother

Oh you weak minded beta male pussy I can't believe you did that




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