

俚语 weaping


when ur half tired but half asleep so when u try to sleep u can’t so u go to do something and when u do something ur too tired too
i was weaping last night, i couldn’t sleep but i couldn’t stay awake


someone who is scared, cheap, dirty, a loser, trys too hard.. a weap is someone who is for lack of a better word a square. this person doesn't have friends, and if he/she thinks he/she does, they are probably the person in that group that everyone talks about behind their back. a person can be weap for any number of reasons and can be called so by another person if they do not meet up to the other persons standards of what cool is. weap can also be used amoungst friends as a funny word to joke around with like youre making fun of each other
look at the weap kid with five different colored polos on, try a little harder to fit in, maybe a little more hair gel would do the trick you weap.

hurry up you weapo cheapo, im not gonna wait all day


a long time ago somebody said weap. Spelled weap. You obviously knew that it wasnt spelled weep by the way they said it. They came to the conclusion, that weap is a noun. A weap is a small homeless man wearing but one sock and underdrawers on his nose. I dont know how he does it... but he manages with the help of the good lord. Amen.
MAng, i saw that gat durn weap at the wal-mart.


Weap: the whooshing metallic sound a bladed weapon is made when pulled from it's sheath or scabbard. The word is neither modern nor urban.
The weap of the sword when The Black Knight unsheathed it sent fear into the hearts' of his opponents


when you get insulted or critized, you weape or become a weapp.
"sarah you ugly bitch" sarah weapeyed the fuck out #weapette

Butt weap

Sweating of the butt crack and butthole area
I had such major butt weap, I had to wipe my ass with a baby wipe.


when you are half awake and half asleep
ugh i just want to do something but every time I get up to do it I almost fall asleep. i think I'm weaping.




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