

俚语 weapon of crass seduction

Weapon of Crass Seduction

A contrived event aimed to seduce the citizens of an enemy State through the depoliticised and emotive employment of pop-culture icons launched via the media and social media.
"Look Mum, on the Telly! There's the orphan man Sung-Bong Choi!
He makes me cry. He makes daddy cry. He makes everyone cry. Boo hoo hoo!!!....."

"There, there Timmy. Don't you worry your little self now. It's only a naughty weapon of crass seduction. Everything's going to be just fine."

There, there Timmy. Don't you worry your little self now. It's only a naughty weapon of crass seduction. Everything's going to be just fine.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:30:14