

俚语 webb middle school

webb middle school

This school is the absolute GHETTO, nothing but fights, cussin, and weirdos. if you go there you probably gonna get in your first fight
man 1: did you see the fight at webb middle school
man 2: no but it’s probably on somebody’s snap

Webb Middle School

Webb is the worst middle school in Garland ISD, from drugs to violence to skipping class, one of the most ghetto schools in Garland ISD
you are really bad you must go to Webb Middle School

webb bridge middle school

school in alpharetta, georgia, USA. very shitty, terrible school. fuck this school. teachers are mean, and friends are fake.
fuck webb bridge middle school. such a shitty school.

webb bridge middle school

A middle school located in Georgia, United States. Where teachers are mean, but the fake kids are much worst. Where people will do whatever it takes to put others down. You do not want to go there...
“Ew they go to Webb Bridge Middle School, nvm.”

Webb Bridge Middle School

A school in alpharetta GA where literally everyone is fake and kids are depressed. Teachers are really mean and they put too much pressure on you. Everyone here vapes and Juuls and some evn do drugs. It’s a horrible school and NO kid should have a nightmare of spending 3 years there.
Oh wow how unfortunate they are, they go to Webb bridge middle school

Webb Middle School Volley Ball Team

Playing for Webb Middle School. They are for sure one of the worst teams in all of GISD and the DFW metroplex. Filled with some of the most retarded and mentally ill people from garland.
person 1 : Hey are you gonna watch Webb Middle School Volley Ball Team play today after school?

person 2 : nah dude i'm gonna stay home because they suck dick and balls

Webb Middle School Volley Ball Team

Playing for Webb middle school, One of the most ghetto and worst teams in GISD and DFW metroplex. Filled with some one most retarded and mentally ill. And with a coach that wears wigs they might as well be the special ed class.
Person 1 : hey dude you gonna match the Webb middle school volley ball team play?
Person 2 : nah dude the legit suck dick and balls




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