

俚语 web spider

web spider

Somebody that surfs the net looking for huge lists of emails to send to advertisers
This guy searched ' forum chat @hotmail.com' and got 50 email addresses, he made a bomb

Web Spider

Some one who spends to much time on the internet
"ugh.. Johny is such a web spider he is alwas on the internet, wont he come outside?..."

spider web

something a spider makes to live in. it is made up of lines of silky shit that come out of the spider's ass
the spider in charlottes web made spider webs with words in them

Spider webbing

To lure females into your room and feed them shots with intentions of sexual penetration....similair to how a spider traps their pray and leaves them defenseless...often done by frat brothers and nursing students...
Shit dude did you read the paper Lain got arrested for spider webbing last night....

Spiders webbed

A spider man like fling of seamen from one's hand onto the face of another.
Beeds, i just spiders webbed this sloot.

Spider's Web

You and the lads each buy individual electric fly swatters, sit in chairs, then place the electric fly swatters over your genitals. One of you then puts pornography on a phone or larger screen for all to view. The goal is to not get an erection, to therefore not get an electrocuted penis.
"Hey man wanna do a spider's web?"

"Fuck no, dude it felt like I burnt my dick off last time."

Spider Webbed

When you're eating out a girl and your gum gets stuck in her vaj. While you're trying to get it out it strings all over the place, and you leave it there for her to find in the morning.
Girl: I found your surprise you left me from last night.
Guy: Yeah you got spider webbed
Girl: You got some cleaning up to do.
Guy: Don't count on it.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:45:23