The ailment from attending too many weddings or the byproduct of having too many friends become engaged when you are still single. Side effects include outbursts of "AWWWWWW!!" and deep sighs. In severe cases, bouts of crying may occur. Symptoms also include: constant daydreams of finding your soulmate and believing that there is more to everything everyone says. Listening to Michael Buble may occur, as well as other slow jazz artists. Impulsive dancing has also been reported.
I've attending two weddings in the last month and two good friends have become engaged. I keep listening to the same Michael Buble song over and over! I have really bad weddingitis!
red weddinged
When a favorite character from a show/series is suddenly killed unexpectedly, causing heartbreak and sorrow in all of the fans.
Hey dude did you see the show last night, you didn't? Ok I won't spoil anything but someone got red weddinged, I won't tell you who however