

俚语 weinerface


n: one who is totally not cool, quite lame, and basically sucks at life. Not having an appendix is a sure fire way to be called a weinerface. Also, enjoying male genitalia, homosexuality, and weiner shaped heads will also qualify you as a weinerface.
Steve, you are such a weinerface!


a person who expresses themselves as a full out weiner. this person has sudden urges to take part in weiner activities and usually runs around saying the word weiner. they cannot resist the word weiner or anything involving weiners.
Tj was being such a weinerface so i killed him.


1. To suck at life
2. Dork
3. Goofball
1. I can't believe you got a 50 on that test, you're such a weinerface.
2. You weinerface! Don't do homework instead of watching Zoolander!
3. You're such a weinerface, calm down and get in to bed with me....right now....




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