

俚语 blasterbate


The act of shooting a "Kamehameha Wave" (an energy wave) out of your penis.
I blasterbate at Piccolo to try to kill him.


The act of masturbating as far as possible into a toilet, urinal or woman's mouth with exacting accuracy.
I was really bored, so I decided stand as far away from the toliet, a.k.a. your mom's mouth, as possible and blasterbate.


to masturbate with a tremendous amount of speed.

blasterbation as in

"blast beats" a term used in drumming. mostly used in the metal/grindcore genre.

visit this website to hear some blast beats -

1 "dude that chick's fucking hot!! i've gotta fucking blasterbate"

2 "yeah, dude! cool!"

1 "fuck yeah blasterbation is easy, when you're a pro ass drummer like me"


To masturbate, and just before reaching climax, pinch the tip of the penis until semen bursts out.
I hurt my dick during blasterbation


Furiously masturbating, red-faced, sweating, and often with both hands.
Roger: Man, my cock is sore this morning.
Jerry: Were you masturbating again last night?
Roger: Bro, I wasn't just masturbating, I was blasterbating.
Jerry: Sweet Jesus.


When a person masterbates while shitting at the same time. Producing a large log (depending on diet) that is for appearance sake cream covered.
Guy 1: Shit son I just got done Master-Blasterbating, shit got a little freaky and messy!

Guy 2: What the fuck is Master-Blasterbation?


A form of masturbation involving fingering ones ass hole and extremely runny diarrhea. The act can be extremely loud and messy and for unknown reasons is frowned upon when carried out in public.
After days of eating Taco Bell, Ronald finally had the shits necessary to Ass-Blasterbate to the best of his abilities.




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