

俚语 wenona


A fun, loving, spriritual, big hearted, sexy, ambitious, optimistic woman. Someone you can rely on when times are good and bad. A true friend and loving mother.


Wenona is the type of woman to do everything they could for those she loves. You wont ever find anyone who is kind and caring as her. Loyalty runs deep with her. Her smile lights up the room. She messes up and holds that with her so dont judge her she judges herself enough. If you have one of these in your life keep them at all cost. They are a loving mother that always do the best they can for there kids. She hides her pain very well.(Ps. This was my moms name and this is for her...rest high mom)
Who is that girl smiling?
I dont know but from the way it lights up the room I bet it's wenona!


A small town in Central Illinois with no stop lights and one mountain. Known for it's hooligans and roughnecks.
We went to a party in Wenona.

wenona girl

Most fridget girls ever. would get with a registered sex offender for a sip of a cruiser. That same sip would make them pass out, but not before she puts it all over her story just so everyone knows shes a mad cunt.
fuck dont invite that wenona girl
shes alright but she might act like a wenona girl

Wenona Girls

Bunch of fuckin pussios. Bitchiest chicks in the whole of Australia and they’re all fake friends. Always ts behind each others backs then go to school all jolly n shit.
Fark I hate Wenona Girls they’re just not eetswa

Wenona School

A school on sydney’s north shore for rich bitches who’s daddies own big companies and make big bucks. 90% of the school are blondes with blue eyes and surfboards. they are try hard groms and think they’re top shit but all other schools know they’re not.

individually the girls can be very nice and funny and smart, but when around others of the same kind, they can change.
oh does that girl go to wenona school? she must be rich. and a bitch. uh oh

wenona school

fucked up racist school
lol dont fucking go to wenona school




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