

俚语 westoned


Burned. To suffer burning of the skin. Especially severe or 3rd degree burns.

Taken from 'Simon Weston', famous Welsh burns victim who was brainwashed into getting toasted for 'Queen and country', along with 150 other sheeple, aboard RFA Sir Galahad. Compare: reeved
"I nearly westoned myself with a pop-tart earlier!"



- To be totally incompetent at anything attempted.
- To have no understanding or comprehension of how ones actions affect others.
- Anyone generally weak in their chosen field and who makes errors and critical mistakes on a regular basis causing emotional, physical or financial hardships to colleges/ friends/ the public
Oh my god I can't believe I messed up so badly, I just went totally WestOne!

Why the hell do they have to be so Westone about everything all the damn time?!

Will somebody please stop him going WestOne, this is costing us thousands.


Complete badass. No arguing it. Will fight for you when he knows he should. Won't start anything but has never backed down. Great at fighting. Great in bed and will never unsatisfy. Hilarious and always has the most smooth thing to say.
Babe you are being such a Weston right now..


(Noun) A man who has a large wallet and an even larger penis.
Dang, that guy over there looks like a straight up Weston.


A tall, thin, charming male. They typically are highly intelligent. They can sometimes be annoying or even wierd, but are overall nice and funny. They are straight with above average. They often are creative and enthusiastic (AKA slightly hyper) and enjoy sports. They tend to have blue eyes.
"Youe see that cute boy over there?"

" Yeah. "

Girl 1: "What's his name?*
Girl 2: " Weston. "
Girl 3: "I thought so. He looks like a Weston.*


An amazingly sweet guy who will always stick up for what he thinks is right. Might not be the most popular, or the most "cool", but he is one of the nicest people you will meet. Westons are usually sarcastic a little bit of the time, and if they fall in love with you, they will do anything for you.And sex will be great. Westons usually stand up for their friends whenever, and won't let them down. Westons usually become best friends with a kid named Kyle. And has one jerkass friend named Jake, that is very untrustworthy. They usually fall in love with girls named Hailey. Westons need to learn that they break hearts easily.
Hailey: I love that boy Weston! I cant wait to have Weston juniors running around! (;


Amazingly sweet guy who is a great listener, he's funny and can be sarcastic at times, he's a super good looking guy who can ALWAYS put a smile on your face.
Wow weston.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:01:41