

俚语 wet boy

wet boy

hit man or professional assassin.
"that wee cunt gets a knife an he reckons he's a real wet boy"

wet boy

a proper pussy that is scared of everything
oi shit face stop being a wet boy

wet boi

He is fucking lit man you cant do shit to this motherfucker man he will kick your gay ass hes really patriotic and will love to fuck trump
Man why is that WET BOI fucking that wall?

Wet Boy

A very stupid, arrogant, low-life or otherwise degenerative person. Used as a potent insult.

Derives from the term 'wetty' meaning something similar,but 'wet boy' is limited to being a male-only insult
"You're just an absolute wet boy, mate. Honestly."

Wet boy pussy

Creamy, gushy, asshole
Damn, I love digging in that wet boy pussy.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:23:49