

俚语 wet cigarettes

wet cigarette

A cigarette dipped in PCP, a potent hood vitamin.
Talkin' shit cause I'm down for my set
I'm a vet, smokin' on a wet cigarette
-Ice Cube, Ghetto Vet

wet cigarette

One who can never find enjoyment in any situation. a downer. One who never becomes excited or aroused.
Colin is such a wet cigarette. He could could be knuckle-deep in Mila Jovovich with one hand and have a thousand dollars in the other and he'd still find something to complain about.

Wet Cigarette

An Alternative Boy who is super skinny, and looks dead inside. Usually, with dark hair and light translucent skin. Many girls, mostly on TikTok, find them very attractive.
"Timothee Chalamet and Pete Davidson are so hot."
You're definitely into Wet Cigarettes.

Wet Cigarettes

Texas slang for joints laced with PCP
Im from the land of the wet cigarettes




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:54:00