

俚语 wet virginia

Wet Virginia

It's like a wet willie, but you wet your finger in a pussy instead of your mouth, and then proceed to stick it in the victim's ear.
Man that girl was skanky, she wouldn't shut up while I was finger banging her, so I gave her the Wet Virginia!

My friend wanted to smell my finger after I was done with my girl. I thought that was kinda gross, so I Wet Virginia'ed him instead HAHAHA

West Virginia Wet Wipe

When you’re out of wet wipes so you spit on TP and give it a scrub back there.
Dry paper wasn’t cutting it. Had to use a West Virginia wet wipe.

West Virginia wet wipe

Much like the “Alabama wet wipe” where you spit on the toilet paper before you wipe the spitter is replaced with you sister. Or sibling of direct decent.
Had to call in reinforcements for that shit the West Virginia wet wipe was a necessity! Thanks SIS!!!




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