Quality Welsh Counter-Strike player and owner of the Wh00pass Office and Compound 24/7 servers. Famously banned the AWP sniper rifle from his server. Replaced the o's with 0's because the bloke is simply l337.
To 'whoop ass' is to beat someone in an extreme way, a.k.a. 'Owning'.
Quality Welsh Counter-Strike player and owner of the Wh00pass Office and Compound 24/7 servers. Famously banned the AWP sniper rifle from his server. Replaced the o's with 0's because the bloke is simply l337.
To 'whoop ass' is to beat someone in an extreme way, a.k.a. 'Owning'.
"Holy shit! Once again that Wh00pass is opening a big can of Wh00pass on all-comers"