

俚语 whale lover

Whale Lover

Someone who clearly isn't overweight who thoroughly enjoys having sex with overweight people.

They are more turned on when the person of interest is visibly fat.
M: Yo man that chick is so thick and sexy
R: Wtf bro she's at least 200lbs... And only 145cm tall!
M: I'm gonna fuck her
R: Save me some McDonald's bro, you whale lover!

humpback whale lover

someone who no one likes at all! the humpback whale humper is annoying and no one will Humpback this person becuz of his/her looks and smell

(a horney person with no one to have sex with) wants something to hump him/her back
guy1wow look at that guy other there

guy2 yeah it looks like he is trying to hard

guy3 what a humpback whale lover




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:11:52